Ceramic Set Bebidas De Antioquia


USAGE: Ceramic Cups
CREDITS: In partnership with La Bestial Cerámica
YEAR: 2014-2016

This project is the result of the observation in the multiple routes between the mountains of southwestern Antioquia and places near Ciudad Bolívar, where the Farallones Community Coffee Wet Mill.

The Antioquia Ceramic Set are composed of 3 containers of different sizes, each one is marked as a height above sea level. The three stacked together form a mountain. Our ceramic set configurates a mountain which allows you to create different geographies: mountain chain, plateaus, hills, etc. establishing a reference to the topography of Antiquia's region in Colombia.

Each of these pieces is for serving our traditional Colombian beverages: aguardiente, chocolate, mazamorra, coffee, aguapanela, etc.

In the same way that Humbolt's Geography of Plants lists the height above sea level and the species found at each altitude, the Antioquia Beverages are composed of strata that indicate hot, temperate and cold climates.