Comfama Libraries


TYPOLOGY: Interior Design, Cultural
CREDITS: In partnership with La Foreste
PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS: Mauricio Carvajal, Mariana Mejía Arango
YEAR: 2017-2019
LOCATION: Medellín, Colombia
CLIENT: Comfama

The starting point for the design of the libraries at Comfama's headquarters was to understand the space as the point of confluence or intersection between a temple and a circus. These ideas correspond to the need of having spaces for resting, reflection and reading, and at the same time, more dynamic and multifunctional spaces for pedagogical and educational processes on site.

The interior design is the result of a conscious analysis of the operation of a library, in order to create a clear spatial identity that would serve the operation without distracting the readers or the pedagogical processes.

The spaces were designed to generate integration, meeting places for everyone, spaces with niches that allow a pleasant personal reading space for children and adults.

One of the libraries has a special character since it was created and designed in a small space inside the Medellin Metro station with the highest number of people in the city, San Antonio Station. This space is a great bet to generate a space for reading and book lending in the facilities of a public transport, in order to reach a large number of people and generate a link with reading and knowledge, allowing to have a learning space on the daily way without having to leave the route home.

Designed libraries: Caldas, Bello, Aranjuez, La Ceja, Pedregal and Bibliometro San Antonio station.