Boulder House


YEAR: 2015
LOCATION: Jericó, Colombia
CLIENT: Private

Boulder House is a concrete canopy made of concrete poured on site and stained with local silicates. A 9-meter-high volcanic rock marks the middle of the plot, which is located in the traditional coffee and citrus growing area in the Cauca River valley, 70 kilometers to the southwest of Medellín.

This house’s X-shaped layout is designed to envelop the rock without touching it; to connect it to a diffuse interior that is also defined by an almost obsessive repetition of thin concrete pillars, simultaneously integrating them as part of the structure and as the facade.

The house incorporates a series of tropical gardens and transfers them to the perimeter, cooling the temperature that rises to 30 degrees centigrade during the daytime and drops to 15 degrees centigrade in the early morning.